Our Squeeze Horns

Hello folks! I’m setting up shop here in Canada now, but in the meantime I have these horns packed and ready for shipping in the U.S. A friend will be taking them to the post office, I will need you to email me first to confirm. But these are the horns I have ready to go…
1 King of the Road $152
1 Chrome King of the Road $152
2 King of the Road Jr $82
2  Covered Bell $48
2  12″ Single Loop $48
1 Serpentine $62
2 Big Bell $48
2 18″ Straight $48

If there’s a horn you want, contact me at john@squeezehorns.com, I’ll confirm and let you know and you can Paypal me the payment.

Prices include Priority USPS shipping.
KOTR Junior
12″ Two-Tone
16″ Covered-Bell
16″ Big Bell
KOTR (replica King of the Road)
12″ Single Loop
18″ Straight

New! Chrome version of our replica”King Of The Road” Classic Double Twist Bulb Horn
20″ (middle pipe can be removed to shorten) – For your golf cart, mobility scooter, Shriner Tiny Car, bicycle or motorcycle. With USPS shipping and attaching bracket. $152. You will probably want to permanently mount this horn with the built-in attaching bracket, (but I include the bicycle attaching bracket as a temporary fix.) There is some variation of tone with these horns.

20″ Double Loop Chrome King of the Road Replica Squeeze Horn Free USPS Priority Shipping 360 Attaching Bracket $152


17″ Serpentine! Includes USPS priority shipping and 360 degree bracket $62. (More photos)


17″ Brass Serpentine squeeze horn with USPS shipping and 360 degree attaching bracket. $62


NEW! 16″ King of the Road Jr.  A smaller version of our replica King of the Road. Includes USPS priority shipping and 360 degree bracket $82. (More photos)

16″ Brass king of the road Jr. squeeze horn with USPS shipping and 360 degree attaching bracket. $82


12″ Brass Straight Two-Tone Squeeze Horn. Includes USPS priority shipping and 360 degree bracket
Sorry, sold out and not sure when I’ll have back in stock.
Loud (and piercing) with both in and out breath tones. (More photos)

12″ Brass straight two-tone squeeze horn with USPS shipping and 360 degree attaching bracket. $48
Sold out. Paypal button will be back when I have more in stock.

16″ Brass Covered Bell Squeeze Horn. With USPS shipping and 360 degree attaching bracket. $48.(More photos)

16″ Brass covered bell squeeze horn with USPS shipping and 360 degree attaching bracket. $48


16″ Big Bell Squeeze Horn. With USPS shipping and 360 degree attaching bracket. $48 (More photos)

16″ Big Bell Squeeze Horn with USPS shipping and 360 degree attaching bracket. $48


RARE Replica Lucas “King Of The Road” Classic Double Twist Bulb Horn – For your golf cart, mobility scooter, Shriner Tiny Car, bicycle or motorcycle. 100% Brass. With USPS shipping and attaching bracket. $152 (Also check out my new video for this horn here. You will probably want to permanently mount this horn with the built-in attaching bracket, but I include the bicycle attaching bracket as a temporary fix.) There is some variation of tone with these horns. (More photos)

(Note built in attaching bracket, robust enough to attach to your vehicle.)


20″ Double Loop Brass King of the Road Replica Squeeze Horn $152


12″ Single Loop (More photos)

12″ Single Twist Brass Squeeze Horn $48


18″ Straight Horn (More photos)

18″ Straight Brass Squeeze Horn $48


What is this attaching bracket? (Comes with your order)

For years I’ve been searching for an easy and practical way to attach my horns to my bike. These are designed to attach flashlights to bicycle handlebars. They work great. Are they perfect? They would be if they came in brass (working on it). These will also be great for attaching your horn to your drum kit.
More photos.
For a more permanent way to mount your horn check out this post.
The King of the Road replicas have a sturdy built-in bracket for permanent attaching to metal.

brass squeeze horn on bicycle handle bars

If you’re looking for the ‘B’ stock I had listed here, I’ve lately been selling them live at bike events.


39 thoughts on “Our Squeeze Horns”

  1. Hullo John, I stumbled across your site while searching for extra large squeeze bulbs. In the last ten years, I’ve been creating musical Folk Art instruments from found sounds and sharing them with children of all ages at various events. My creations include a number of bulb operated sounds. I’ve been searching for a ginormous bulb that I might be able to use to create a giant bulb horn. Because my creations are interactive in nature the material would need to endure lots of use but also be flexible enough for children to be able trigger the sound. Have you considered any ideas beyond the immediate availability of standard size bulbs? What I’m seeking is an alternate item that I might use. Any ideas?

    1. Hi Reg. Love what you’re doing. I love your custom mod to the tri-horn! Inspiration. Do you have a source you could share for the tri-horns? Happy to be able to steer you in the right direction for making giant bulbs. This fellow’s entire channel, Bellowphone, is wonderful, but exactly here he tells how to make giant bulbs out of liquid latex. Happy Honking! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljaLf3eHH3Y

      1. John, I’m sorry but I do not have a reliable source for tri-tone horns. The new versions that I’ve purchased online have all been ill-equipped to handle the duties for my project. My presentation has reaped tens of thousands of interactions. So, anything not up to the task gets tossed and none of the last three of these contemporary tri-tone horns that I’ve purchased have been able to handle the load. Hence, why I chose to repurpose a vintage example that I had on another one of my instruments, in order to rebuild my tri-tone three belled horn. One of the three reeds on that was stuck but I managed to get into the reed chamber and loosen it. All three reeds are now working fine.

        I like the 20″ King of the Road replica bulb horn. I have a vintage example of a twisted bell for an old bulb horn but it’s lacking a reed chamber. I’ve not yet worked on developing that one.

        Hmmm, bulbs from liquid latex. I checked out his video. It looks like a complex process but I see that it is doable to make your own. Thanks for sharing that idea!

  2. Where can i get a set of tuned squeeze horns like what Konis Hupen play??

    Hi Brianna! I’ve been trying to solve this problem for years. Finally have found someone in India to create custom reeds, but at this rate I’m still probably years away from a set of tuned horns you can get from me for a reasonable price. That said, through manipulating reeds I’ve managed to put a few Gershwin horn sets together for folks. You might have some luck with Kolberg in Germany https://www.kolberg.com/Autohupensatz-Gershwin-a1-h1-c2-d2-engl.-ABCD/1190 though they’ll cost a lot. That’s probably where Konis gets his. Best, John

    How do you make them yourself? And where can i buy cheaper ones?? Because i really really want them so badly and i don’t have enough money PLEASE TELL ME

    You can get an idea for the reeds here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgZV6sDnquo

    Can you make a bra that honks like a horn when you squeeze the cups?

    I don’t think that would be too hard to do with things like dog chew toys that squeak. But to get a big honk, I don’t know.

    If i ever release a CD of my bike horn playing, would you like to listen to it?


  3. I direct the band (The Del Monte Brass) at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey California. We are playing a medley of Herb Albert tunes which includes Tijuana Taxi. Unfortunately, the rubber bulb on our squeeze horn has split and renders the horn as no longer functional. Is it possible to just replace this part and if so, how would we go about doing this?

  4. I would like to order RARE Replica Lucas “King Of The Road” Classic Double Twist Bulb Horn. Paypall doesn’t work. Can I call someone to order this?

  5. Hi, the historic style trumpets on the site are beautiful and I would like to know if shipping to Europe (Italy) is possible by paying more than the shipping costs to the US
    Thank you

    1. Hi Antionio! I’m out of town at the moment (though I have my horns for sale packed and ready to ship by a friend when an order comes in), but I have been thinking about doing some international orders with custom shipping. I’m not back until the end of June, but I will contact you directly through the email you posted in your comment and we’ll take it from there. Or you can email me john@squeezehorns.com and I’ll have your email in my inbox waiting to pick up where we left off.

  6. Hello John, I could use any suggestion to locate a black horn bulb (bulb only) for a brass squeeze horn from India. Circumference of is 12″. Length of bulb is about 6″. The replacement bulbs I see online are quite a bit smaller. Any direction you can provide would be greatly appreciated! Thank you, Rachel

    1. Hi Rachel, I just double checked. The bulbs I have are about 6″ long and have a circumference of close to 12″. I think it’s a more or less standard size. The outer diameter of the opening is 1″ and the diameter of the hole is 3/4″. I don’t have bulbs alone listed with a Buy Now button, but if you’re interested in getting one, please email me John@SqueezeHorns.com

  7. Hello! So I’ve been looking for a horn that emits a very specific sound. I was looking around for video examples and the first note the guy plays in this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuQYb5KTlSs), at :25, is the sound I’m looking for – he says it’s an A-flat. Other video examples of that song, it’s an octave up, but I don’t want something that sounds like a clown horn. So I’m curious, what determines the pitch of the horn? Length, I’d imagine, but your straight 12″ horn makes a high sound, and the one in the video that makes the sound I want doesn’t seem too big. I tried looking up horns that let out an A-flat pitch and nothing came up, so should I be searching by size instead? Do you know what length would result in that note?

    In which case, would you be able to do a custom of it, or do you know anywhere I can find one? I’m looking for a straight one-tone squeeze horn.

    1. Hi Shay! Can you say a little more about what you want the horn for? Subsequent to that video being made, it was discovered that what they thought were the notes marked on Gershwin’s score were in fact labels for generic taxi horns he’d bought in Paris. You can hear in the 1929 recording, which Gershwin supervised, that the horns sound a lot closer to the ones I’m selling than the orchestra-quality horns you see/hear in most modern recordings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVP2Df0LrZo (See also, for generic ‘taxi horn’ info https://www.squeezehorns.com/2021/taxi-horns/ )
      That said, I’ve done quite a lot of experimenting and continue to do so. In fact it’s not the length of the horn that determines the pitch. It’s the reed itself. More or less, the larger the reed, the lower the pitch. I’ve been trying to create a tunable horn along these lines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy_qC6ZK_7w but I’m not that mechanical.
      At some point I’m hoping to get pitched reeds that fit into the horns I already carry in order to give some variation on the pitch.
      I’ve also heard of folks manipulating the pitch (i.e. making it higher pitched) by wrapping thread around the reed.
      If your priority was a specific pitch, I could find the closest I have to that pitch, but it’s probably not spot on and it most likely wouldn’t be a straight horn.
      If you’re prepared to pay quite a bit for exactly what you want you could try here https://www.kolberg.com/Autohupensatz-Gershwin-a1-h1-c2-d2-engl.-ABCD/1190

    1. That’s some good feedback about my layout if you’re not able to see how to place an order!
      Below the individual horns I have offered, there is a yellow Buy Now with PayPal button.
      When you click that it will take you to the PayPal checkout where you can either pay via PayPal or credit card etc.
      That’s where you’ll put your address.
      I get an email notification from PayPal that you’ve placed and order.
      I will reply then to let you know I received the order.
      Then I will reply again with the tracking info for your horn once I know it’s in the USPS system.
      Hope that helps (I will also email this to you.)

    1. Hi Eldad, Thanks! Unfortunately I don’t ship internationally at this time. Perhaps you’ll have an American friend who’s coming to visit who could order from us here and bring them over.

  8. Hello John, I was glad to see this add. I have had 1 of these and looking for a rubber bulb with brass fitting replacement. Do you sell these or know where I could look. Thank you sir Craig Sutherland

  9. Hello horn people. I really neeed help! My mini horse is super smart and I have trained him to do several tricks. He grabs things and can play with piano. The problem is the keys are too small for him. So I want to get a few horns so he can grab the ends and play kinda like the seals do at the circus. If anyone can help that would be amazing! It would be great marketing for this site also! Thank you!

    1. Hi Michele, That does sound like super fun project. Issue on my end is sourcing tuned horns. There’s a company in Germany that makes them. But they are high-end pricey and made for orchestras. I have done some tuning experiments of my own and do hope to offer a set of tuned horns at some point, but my sources in India have been really hard hit by the pandemic. I have an order in for a bunch of straight horns to experiment with but have no idea when I’ll get them. In the meantime I might suggest getting hold of one of our horns, or even something from a big box store (cheap bicycle horn), just to see if you can get your horse to squeeze it. I sure would like to see that. Best, John

    1. Hi Brett, That would be the 16″ Big Bell Squeeze Horn. The bell is 6″ across. It’s the second one down on the page. Hit the Paypal button below it to make a purchase. I’m not sure if you’ll be able to add a second horn there or have to do it as two transactions. But at 16″ long and 6″ across, I can only fit one in a box so they will come as two packages. Best, John

    1. Hi Gary, I’m pretty sure the Desmo reeds are different from the ones I have in stock. But if you could send me a photo of where your reed goes I’d be sure. john[theatsign]squeezehorns.com In the meantime I’ll ask around. Best, John

    1. Hi Bill, I do. They are replicas (actual vintage Lucas versions would be a fortune), but as of 4/20/21 I have a few in stock. For anyone else reading this, as long as the Paypal buttons are there, I have that item in stock. Best, John

      1. Afternoon John I opened my horn today it’s beautiful and I will get some pictures as soon as I mount it on my Shriners car how would you like me to get you the photos

        1. Glad to hear Bill! They really are special. If it’s okay, I’d like to post any photos you send me on the site. You can send to me via email john @ squeezehorns.com Thanks and Happy Honking!

          1. Hi Bill, Alvin mentioned that you were talking as well. Just to know… I have tried extending the stem on horns up to 3′ (for an experiment) and it didn’t alter the pitch. I’m still experimenting with shifting pitch.

  10. Oh we’re back alright! Just in case anyone is wondering . I’ve asked a few recent customers if they’d care to comment or send along a photo of their horns in use. Fingers crossed they get back to me. Best, John

  11. Hi. John
    Greetings for the day.
    This side surender sethi.
    Let me know ur requirements of spare rubber horn bulbs.
    U order any color any quantity.
    Be assured u will get in best rubber quality.
    Surender sethi

    1. Hi Sethi, I removed your email from the comment so you don’t get spammed. But I will contact you now to be in touch.

  12. Hi Al, I replied by email (took your address out of the comment so it wouldn’t be public). Thanks and excited to discuss. Best, John

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